Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Jake is back on the C-PAP - it's the breathing device that pushes pressure into his lungs. He wasn't doing too good mostly breathing on his own- kept having apnea episodes and the nurses had to rouse him to remind him to breathe. It's totally normal for a preemie, and a small one at that. Just today, the doctor told us to expect some downs with all the "ups". The nurse said this is nothing abnormal...


stace-c said...

Aww, sorry that Jake had to go back on the CPAP, but it sounds like the babies are all doing really well. I'm praying for all of you! Hopefully he will be back off of it really soon!

tarina said...

Keep up the high spirits. They are definately fighters. You look so good in the pictures! Keep cuddling those babies. You are all staying in our prayers in Missouri. Love Ya.