Tuesday, July 21, 2009

random pictures

I've been busy making my blog into a book now that the first year is over. I want to save some of these posts and pictures into a more permanent form. So, that's why I haven't been very post-ey lately.

Here are some updates, though:
Jake is pulling up onto his feet and makes funny grunting noises like he's about to turn into the Incredible Hulk Baby or something. He loves trucks and wheels (what is up with that and boys?)

Eddie is taking a few steps! But then he decides that it's faster to crawl. He's also got a lovely new habit of shoving anyone in the face who's in his way. And he climbs on the couch and thinks he's king of the mountain.

Mary Beth claps, waves bye-bye, and shakes her head "no". It's really cute!

Watching Mimi and Bea through the window:
Let's go, mom! We want to see the world!

Violet from Incredibles putting up a force field:
Babies eating watermelon:

Monday, July 6, 2009

What a difference a year makes

I just have to do a little reminiscing here before I get into the first year birthday pics. What a year!! I remember thinking as I fed them at 3 in the morning, for many many mornings - "please let's just fast forward 6 months!" And now we've "fast-forwarded" a whole year. I must say, you just don't know what you're made of until you've gone through a year like this. But we survived! And now we'll go on to survive the next year (although this one will be full of smiles and milestones, not months of hospital visits and midnight feedings). So, that's better.

To keep things in perspective, here's a little trip down memory lane:

Mary Beth:
And this is the size of the diapers they first wore, next to a CD:

And here they are on their ONE YEAR birthday!! YAYY! We made it (this far, anyway):


And thank you to everyone for all your love and support on this leg of our journey- we couldn't have done it by ourselves (well we could have, but it wouldn't have been near as much fun)!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It was this day

one year ago that I went to the hospital to prepare for havin' those babies!!

Miss Sassypants

ready for the rodeo: