Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bea with Windmills

We took Bea to the top of one of the mountains in Big Spring. There is a park up there with basically a 360 view the town- it's really cool! If you open this picture, you can see the windmills behind Bea. I'm finding things to like about Big Spring little by little...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Daddy gets 'em to smile

There is also another new video of them all sleeping (ah, sleeping) on Youtube. Link to the right.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Angel Food Cake

Okay, I know this is not a food blog but I just had to post this because 1) this was my second attempt, with the first one being very flat because I didn't know about the mechanics of egg whites, and 2) I can't believe I actually had time to bake! So here it is, and it was delicious!!
We are all sick around here, so it's been a real fun week. I hope we are on the tail end of it..mommy is not allowed sick days!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Real Ballerina

Here's Bea all ready for dance class. I gotta say it: ADORABLE.

Friday, January 9, 2009

January Weights

Eddie: 14.5 lbs - he is half Bea's weight!!
Jake: 11.5 lbs
Mary Beth: 9.5 lbs - she's petite.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Lots of new things happening at the 6 month (4 month adjusted) mark! They are all mostly sleeping through the night- they usually make it to at least 5 am, so I'm not going totally crazy. I can live with 5 but I like it more when it's 6, of course! Jake and Mary Beth are also doing great after having RSV (yikes!) - luckily it wasn't too bad of a bout because they'd had their shots...

Eddie's trying solids, has started rolling over and gets very mad when he does it. He can really move! Well, a foot at a time. I'm looking into getting baby gates because I know it won't be long before he's crawling.

Jake has discovered his tongue and likes to blow rasberries all the the time- quite amusing.

Mary Beth is talking to anyone who pays attention to her- so it looks like I'm going to have not just one but two very talkative girls- I hope they'll be good buds.

Our friends Mauro and Angie came to town for New Years- we were sooo happy to see them and their 2 month old baby Andres!

Me with Andres (can you believe all that hair??):
Mauro with Eddie:
The babies have their 6 month checkup this week so I'll post another update soon!