Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pre-K Graduation Video

She says she wants to be a doctor here, but later retracted it... oh well

Tiny Dancer

Bea had her recital this weekend, and she did great! And was adorable, of course:

Their tap number was "Me and My Shadow" by Frank and Sammy...
Ballet was "Tiny Dancer":
Close up of the dancer:
Someone else wanted to get in the picture:
And here's her Jazz routine, "Ants in my Pants":

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crawfish Boil!

Saturday was our neighbor's son's first birthday party slash birthday party for the mom slash crawfish boil. Whew!! It was very fun!

Eddie loves jumping on the trampoline with the big kids:

Mary Beth is a very cool kitty:
Jake, under the table, eating the cake that the birthday boy threw on the ground. Mmmmm...ground cake...
And then eating it the civilized way:
Bea with green hair and drawn-on eyebrows. Don't ask why, just go with it:
Yeeeeah- crawfish!