Sunday, November 3, 2013

Actual Halloween Night!

Everyone had fun on Halloween- Bea said it was the awesomest night every, and Eddie proclaimed after going to one door "It worked! Mom you're the best!"  As if I alone invented Halloween. Sweet.

Dracula, Optimus Prime, Snake Eyes, and a Princess: (and I'm not quite sure what I am, but the kids wanted me to dress up)

Halloween Events

Yes, there were a few events leading up to Halloween that required dressing up- you didn't think Halloween was just one night anymore, did you?

At Aunt Jen's work party:

Boo at the Zoo night:

 That night wore everyone out:

Andres' Birthday Party (whose birthday is actually Halloween!):

Cousin Claire's birthday party:

The Doss H'owl (Bea's school carnival), enjoying some messy snow cones:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Guess we're getting ready for Halloween 49 days early?

I know it's 49 days because a certain someone is counting down...

Triplets first day of Pre-K

And of FIVE DAYS A WEEK of sweet 4-hour freedom! Of course I love them very much, but I'm ready for a break- and they love it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Links to the Girls' Recital Dances


Mary Beth's:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Series of Random pictures

Finally putting up a couple of new posts on this old blog

Jakie butterfly in Austin:
The girls at the photo session for the dance recital (very colorful):
Eddie very excited about a train ride at the zoo:

Everyone excited!!
A little down time:

New Pictures Finally!!

I have been relying on Facebook way too much - I know that some people still don't use it, so I'll try to post pictures here more often. So, here are some pictures in no particular order - lots of catching up to do.

BMX Bikers roaming the 'hood:
Easter Sunday fun at church: Jake getting in the way of the picture. Thinks he's SOOO funny: